Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Baby food for picky eater


Sape yg bace last entry Bingung, akan tau la yang Riezqy ni mmg picky eater.. Refused to eat bubur nasi.. Refused to drink plain water..But like to eat bread, marrie biscuit, milo and Ribena..

Then we realized that, he dont like to eat rice or plain bubur.. end up i cakap dgn Mr. Ajim, 'I rase nk try buatkan dia pasta baby since anak u kan Mat Salleh'..hahaha maka bermula pencarian resepi ye..Since i joined group "Solid Food for my baby" in FB, senang sket lah nk mencari resepi untuk baby ni..

Cari punya cari, terjumpa satu resepi yang bg idea kat i.. But its not a pasta ya.. it still bubur nasi plus cheese. Kalau  x ajar dia makan nasi sekarang nanti sampai dh besar pon tak suka nasi..

So i'm gonna keep the recipe here for next baby plak.. hehehe :)

Sumber: Solid Food For My Baby (FB Group)
Suitable for baby : 8 months and above

2 genggam beras  (i used beras wangi bagi dia montel cpt sket)
4-5 spinach leaves
3-4 ptg broccoli
1inch of carrot
1 or 2 pcs of potato
small size of chicken fillet (sometimes i opt with beef / fish)
2 slices of block cheese- less salt (depends nk byk mane letak) - i used Beqa block cheese Black color
(Note: please read this if you want to introduce cheese in your baby meals. This is quite useful.)

1. Basuh beras sebersih2nya..ensure air beras tuh sudah tak kepuh (if u r muslims reader, this is a tips..while u wash the beras or cooking for your family please please please zikir2 sikit ye..just a simple zikir will do like subhanallah, ya latif2 and berdoa lah mohon kepada Allah supaya  masakan kita ini member manfaat buat anak/family kita. Inshaa Allah).

2. Basuh sayur bayam & brocolli sebersih2nya.. For me, my mom always taught to wash vege with air garam. Rendam sekejap then basuh bersih tuk buang racun2..For Riezqy, mommy kene rajin sket..basuh bayam tuk setiap helai and broccoli cuci setiap celah2 sayur tuh..

3. Put all the ingredients except for cheese in a pot and put  a lot of water (yang ditapis) and let it boil.

4. Lastly, put cheese and blend it for your baby.

The smells are reallyy nice and bila makan lagi laa sangat sedapp.. Mcm mane tau sedap?? No batlle when you feeding your baby with this recipe. I'm soo happy, Alhamdulillah finally my baby want to eat solid food and we really hope that he will put some weight by eating rice + cheese.. :)

Note:  I will upload the picture later.

Just for sharing.


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