Thursday 15 August 2013

A journey to be a mom..

Dah lama betol x update blog, since UAT BBMS ni dh abis so mula la godek2 blog..tgh2 godek2 blog tetiba terjumpa satu entry yg i dh draft masa i preggy dulu.. Bila bace blk ooOO br teringat..sayang la plak kalo x post kan mane la tau in the future nk bace2 blk..and bile baca blk br perasan yg perangai anak kita lebih kurang masa kita mangandung..contoh, dulu masa preggy xbole panas sbb ruam2..and skang si Riezqy mmg xthn panasss..even dlm aircond yg pasang around 24C + kipas laju 1 tuh pon dia pns bpeluh2..hmm so pengting jgk nk upload kan entry nih..esk2 suh dia bace aje la ape yg mommy dia tulis pasal dia..hahaha

Tapi tapi tapi entry ni i tulis separuh jalan je.. tgantung mcm tuh aje..sbbb tup2 esknye i dh bsalin..hehehe

Jom baca!
Hi readers,
(poyo sungguh mcm la ada readers) hak2..xpela mak nk fefeeling sket kn.. :D

Since confirmed by doctor i am pregnant, I never post any update about my pregnancy journey at all..
Till today at 36 weeks, i feel like i'm going to write about it at least once.

Sebagai kenang2an kan..

1st trimester 

Me @3 months pregnant

I'm detected pregnant in Jan 24, 2012. Since then, Mr. Ajim and I were very2 carefull on the 1st trimester due to miscarriage history before. And we took a precautions in terms of food intake biasa la banyak pantang larang orang2 tua ni.. Especially pulut, benda2 yang bercucuk dengan buluh like Sate, nenas (owwhhh ni mmg la semua orang tahu kan), air tebu, air kelapa (masa awal2 nk jadi tuh je), air coke, ikan2 berbisa mcm keli, pari and etc. Pendek kata semua makanan yang berbisa/tajam xpayah la gatal2 nk mkn ye..

In the1st trimester, i had bleeding for more than 2 times. It was really scarry i told you ya.. because tak mau lagi kene DNC..Because of that, Doc Halim advised me to just bed resting for about 1 week. Everytime i bleed, sure doc will give me MC for a week..End up till now MC memang dah max dah..

For early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, craving on certain food, dizzy and such i don't experienced it much. Just i don't feel right. Especially when at night. Really feel not comfortable and no appetite to eat. Sometimes i wont eat anything and i dont like to have nasi at night. Nasi goreng ke ape ke no no no.. At that time i like Kueh teow more than nasi.

In this trimester, terasa sangattttttttt lama.. tak sabar2 nk msk ke 2nd trimester which people mostly said 'dh jadi'..

2nd trimester

At DSH, waiting for Dr. Halim

The phase that i love and like so much..

2nd trimester people usually say honeymoon period for preggy mommy and its totally true! I don't feel like i am pregnant. Lincah and active kemain..Was in very2 happy mood and enjoying food much more than 1st trimester. I got back my appetite and mula la start kuat makan.

But upper body skin started to have rashes..muka pon naik penuh okay and ofcoz xcantik langsung la..And some people had recommended me to use Pureen Nappy i applied la to that area and alhamdulillah it getting better and better day by day..tapi xbole berpanas..kene duduk bawah kipas or aircond.. jgn nnt baby ni kuar asik nk beraircon aje dah ler..

3rd timester

Pic yg paing kanan skali @36 weeks

Ini pic +/- 8 months - tengok doctor dpt captured dia tgh kicking..hahaha :) 

Phase yang sangat mendebarkan..

When babycenter emailed me "You are now 28 weeks pregnant", fuhh rase mcm masa sangat cepat berlalu.. Tau2 dh msk 3rd trimester dah..Mase ni rilex lagi.. Masih enjoy makannnn...heheehe

When entering 32 weeks, goshhh!! dup dap dup dap...
Another 4 weeks to reach 36 where people believe anytime your baby is coming.
Nervous nervous and i am not ready!!!! Baby checklist x complete lagi..Mommy punye list pon xd 1 pon yg dh ready.. yang ada cuma kain batik 3 helai aje itu pon mak yang bagi suh standby..

Everytime i went for check up, berat badan constantly naik about 1-2 kilos.. but but lately in the 3rd trimester and berhari raya xhengat, my weight suddenly raised up to 4kilos.. and the scale directly jump into 78 kilos..Doc Zaimah pon tgelak and cakap dgn lorat nogori eh tu "ekau melantak ajo ko rayo ni??" and i pon say "iyoo..semuo eh nmpk sodap doctor"..hahahaha Doc Zaimah ni mmg klakar sikit and mulut dia pon mcm bertih jagung sikit but funny la..dia ala2 motherly type punye org bila tang nasihat2 ni..ada certain people x bole tahan kot tapi Mr. Ajim and I was quite comfortable when dealing with her..

Tapi masa ni ada yang x best nye bile Doc scan my baby weight was soo soo little which approx about 1.9kilos only.. by right at this weeks Doc says it should goes up at least 2kilos plus. "Ini omak eh yg absorb byk ni"..ha mula la doc membebel, mom to be should responsible with your baby since its in your womb need diet2 and takut badan naik gemok la ape..righttt?? i said earlier Doc ni mmg mcm mak2 nye type time dia bagi advise.


La la la la..sekian sampai situ saja entry nye..selebihnye cerita i dh bersalin tuh bole baca kt entry lain la plak ye..hehehe


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